Beard and Mustache

The only solution to beard and mustache loss is beard or mustache transplantation. Beard transplantation can be applied to people who have no beard, little beard or local beard loss for a permanent solution. Beard transplantation is performed with the FUE technique, as in hair transplantation. Since the hair follicles taken from the donor area of the head between the two ears are permanent, the transplanted beards never lose.

Things to know about
beard and mustache transplantation

One of the most important factors in the case of beard and mustache transplantation, is that the channels opened in the scalp are linear and single grafts and they must be planted very carefully.

Beard and mustache transplantation is more difficult than others and requires more precision.

As in hair transplantation, the patient’s needs are taken into consideration and the operation can be completed in a single day with 4000-4500 grafts without time restrictions.

Beard and Mustache Transplant
recovery process

Getting through the recovery period is pretty easy. Tissues renew themselves in a short period of 7-10 days. The crusts formed during the operation disappear within 7-10 days.

In the 10-day period after the operation, the transplanted area is washed and the crusting is removed.

Some or all of the transplanted beard and mustache lose within 1-2 months. This may differ from one patient to another. While some patients do not experience any beard loss, some patients may experience complete loss. This is a normal process. Approximately 2 months after the operation, after a resting phase, the beard and mustache planted begin to grow and take shape within 6-8 months.


    Copyright 2022 by YeG Clinic. All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2022 by YeG Clinic. All rights reserved.